St. Ignatius of Loyola

Catholic Church

Publicize Your Event

Publicize Your Event

For a scheduled event to be successful, the sponsoring ministry/organization needs to publicize the event for at least three weeks to get the message out to the entire parish community. In this day and time, people are often away on the weekends and thus attend Mass in a different parish community. By using the three-week norm, more people will know about a parish wide event and thus, be more likely to attend.

There are Eight major ways to publicize here at St. Ignatius: the Bulletin, Flocknotes, MyParishApp, Social Media, Website, an Email blast, the Electronic signs and through a Pulpit announcement. Each method has particular guidelines.

To submit your request, please see tabs below for steps on publicizing based on the type of method you wish to use.

  • Bulletin/Flocknote/Social Media

    Click the button below to submit your article.

    • To ensure that your information is placed in the appropriate platform in a timely manner, please:
    • Submit your article with the subject line that reads the title of event & month/day/year, you wish your article to appear in date.
    • Please note Dates, you would like for your announcement to run.
    • Submit the article at least 11 days prior to the date you want it to appear.
    • Please include your contact information on each announcement. (*All St. Ignatius ministries are required to use ministry email as contact.) Please do not instruct people to call the parish office for more information about your event.
    • Make sure your event is schedule with administration team prior to sending announcement, if on campus.
    • Graphics may be black and white or color. No grayscale accepted. (Feel free to add up to 3 different versions of your graphic. New designs can help catch another persons eye the following week.)
    • Article wording should be sent as a Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher file, if attaching a file.
    • The title of the article should be in Bold and pertain to the article subject.
    • Article can run up to three weeks prior to an event but you will get more results if the format of the article is changed weekly.
    • SILCC events are given priority. We reserve the right to create new graphics, shorten the article or rearrange the wording as needed to conform to space limitation.
    • If you have any questions or problems submitting your bulletin request, please contact For a complete copy of the Bulletin Article Guidelines, see guidelines under documents on this page.
    Click here to submit form
  • Mass Announcements

    What does the General Instruction of the Roman Missal  (GIRM) tell us about announcements at Mass? There are six simple words to be found that give us direction! 

    D. The Concluding Rites

    90.  The concluding rites consist of

    a. Brief announcements, if they are necessary;       ( Chapter II, GIRM 2003)

    Generally, announcements are for the benefit of the community to assist in their worship within the Mass or to provide information for the community to participate in service or social events that follow immediately after Mass. In our community, most information is well disseminated via the bulletin, e- mail, Commissions, information tables, newsletters, etc.

    We seek to keep the sacred nature, reverence and continuity of our Sunday Eucharistic liturgy and will include “brief announcements, if they are necessary”.

    Our guidelines for Presider announcements at Mass at St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Community are as follows:

    Announcements pertaining to Liturgy are permitted as needed.

    Announcements about events which immediately follow Mass are permitted as needed.

    Exceptions regarding archdiocesan events, emergencies, etc. are at the Pastor’s discretion.

    *All other announcements and information should be in the bulletin.*

    Requests for announcements are to be submitted by staff/staff liaisons of our parish ministries to the Office of Liturgy.   Please send these at least by noon on the Monday prior, of the weekend that announcements are requested. To submit a request for an announcement at Mass please use the publicity form located to the left under documents.

    If you have any problems, please contact Karla Jackson, Pastoral Associate for Liturgy, or all 281-370-3401.

    Email us
  • Website

    Postings on the Website may be done through the approval of the appropriate Commission. If a ministry wishes to post an event on the website, the sponsoring ministry or organization should first seek the approval of the appropriate commission leadership. Then, the information should be submitted to the webmaster at or by using the publicity form located to the left under documents. Please remember that pictures of children must have written consent of the child’s parents or legal guardians before a picture can be posted on the internet. That written consent must be submitted at the time the article is submitted or be on file in the office for the academic year.

  • Electronic Sign

    Postings on the electronic signs may be done through the approval of the appropriate Commission, which is then sent to the Parish Administrator. If a ministry wishes to post an event on the sign, the sponsoring ministry or organization should first seek the approval of the appropriate commission leadership. Then, the information should be submitted to Ron Svoboda, at or by using the publicity form located under documents. 

    Keep all wording to a minimum of 10 Words. 

    Images may be used- final approval will be made by Parish Administrator.

    Email us
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