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Hey there! Want to know all the latest happenings at St. Ignatius of Loyola?
La Escuela Parroquial "Nojb'al Ri Qtinmit" also known as Our Lady of Guadalupe School is a parochial elementary school in Chiché, Quiché Guatemala. This school is supported by our parish, St. Ignatius of Loyola, by providing funds to cover teachers' salaries. We also provide in-person support during our yearly mission trip.
From Rome, on the Solemnity of the Ascension, His Holiness, Pope Francis, announced to the world the Ordinary Jubilee of the year 2025. He did so through the promulgation of the Papal Bull, Spes Non Confundit (Hope does not disappoint), taken from Romans 5:5. Therefore, hope is the central message of the coming Jubilee that, in accordance with an ancient tradition, the Pope proclaims every twenty-five years. The Holy Father writes, “Now the time has come for a new Jubilee, when once more the Holy Door will be flung open to invite everyone to an intense experience of the love of God that awakens in hearts the sure hope of salvation in Christ. The Holy Year will also guide our steps towards yet another fundamental celebration for all Christians: 2033 will mark the two thousandth anniversary of the redemption won by the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. We are about to make a pilgrimage marked by great events, in which the grace of God precedes and accompanies his people as they press forward firm in faith, active in charity and steadfast in hope (cf. 1 Thess 1:3).”
January 9th- January 20th 2025 with Fr. Norbert Maduzia & Fr. James Burkart
The Revival is a three year initative sponsored by the US Bishops to form, heal, convert, and unite the people of God through a renewed encounter with Hesus in the Eucharist.