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We bring our greatest gifts to the Lord for the common good. That is one of the most important meanings of our faith. Christ is our role model for giving love to others, helping others and making sacrifices for others. I ask you today to consider a gift to DSF.
DSF serves the common good throughout the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. The more than 60 programs covered by this fund require all of us to consider the needs of others. Whether it is the elderly, sick, incarcerated or poor, the Church has a duty to offer the compassion and healing power of Christ Jesus.
For complete information regarding the Annual DSF appeal and to make a pledge or donation towards our
$343,000.00 mandated goal, please click the image below.
The Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) is the annual appeal that provides funding for essential ministries and programs that serve the religious, spiritual and human needs of thousands of people from every parish. Catechetical programs, hospital and prison ministries, programs for the aging and youth and many more are made possible by the annual DSF. The campaign ends December 31st. For more information contact us at
(713) 659-5461 or email us at