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Faith Formation is the life long process of enhancing our relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church through a deeper understanding of our faith and it’s traditions. Living Christ’s command of evangelizing the world calls us, as re-iterated in the New Evangelization, to lifelong participation in formation of the Christian life. It is not reserved simply for children or those preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist); rather “faith must be known, celebrated, lived, and expressed in prayer." (NDC 20)
At St. Ignatius of Loyola, faith formation opportunities are offered for people of all ages, from early childhood to older adults. Please click on the link below to learn more:
Lucille Pavlock
Pastoral Associate for Formation & Evangelization (Director of Elementary Formation)
Bre Benavidez
Director of Youth Ministries (High School and Junior High/Middle School)
Goals 2025
Short Term Goals (1 year)
· Create a script for video in English and Spanish version to introduce the Formation Department to community.
· Develop a plan to address resources required to include formation of special needs community.
Long Term Goals (2 – 3 years)
· Publish a video in English and Spanish version to introduce the Formation Department to the community.
· Implement plan to address resources required to include formation of special needs community.
· Formation Commission will work with Formation Staff to create a bank of informational videos for catechists, parents, adult formation members, and parishioners. These videos may include but not limited to the following topics:
o Formation department introduction (see short term goal)
o How to:
o Fire/Emergency Procedures
o Drop-off and Pick-up procedures
Current Members
Ivette Morales - Pastoral Council (EC)
Emily Trahan (Early Childhood)
Karen Fuentes (Elementary)
Liz Novosad (Elementary)
Marcia Mazingo (Youth Ministry)
Bob Sandhaas - Co-chair (Youth Ministry)
Guillermo Rivera (Young Adult)
Ana Lilian Castillo (Adult & Evangelization)
Rita Olivier - co-chair (At-large)
Lucille Pavlock (Staff Liaison)
Formation Commission