St. Ignatius of Loyola

Catholic Church

Youth Ministry

Our Strategy

Students gather on Sundays for faith formation. Junior High meets from 3:30-5:00 p.m. and High School meets from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Both groups are encouraged to attend our Youth Mass at 5:15 p.m. with their families. 

The format we use is that of Life Teen and EDGE. These sessions are aimed to be both fun and challenging for students to grow deeper in their faith. They are systematic catechetical gatherings with four distinct segments: Gather, Proclaim, Break, and Send:

  • Gather: Involves an invitation to the students welcoming them. Usually done with either a game, skit, video clip, and praise & worship.
  • Proclaim: The main teaching for the session.
  • Break: Students meet with their Small Groups and break open the teaching.
  • Send: To close out the session, students gather again in large group and receive the weekly challenge to live out and practice what they've learned.

Our Mission

St. Ignatius Youth Ministry strives to create a safe environment where students can encounter Jesus through dynamic discipleship, and systematic catechesis in order to foster a personal relationship with God and be who God has created them to be!

About St. Ignatius Youth Ministry (SIYM)

We are a thriving youth community passionate about Jesus and fellowship. As God calls us to be in community, we gather to form and build good holy relationships with each other to help us on our earthly pilgrimage. 

Contact Us

Bre Benavidez

Director of Youth Ministries (High School and Junior High/Middle School)


Deacon Joe Wright

Permanent Deacon/ Youth Sacrament Coordinator


Natasha Faircloth

Coordinator for Youth Ministries


Upcoming Events

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