St. Ignatius of Loyola

Catholic Church


Our Mission

The worship office seeks to enhance the experience of Eucharist for all the people of the parish. Through art, music, planning, training leaders, environment, and much more our experience of God in the liturgies and celebrations is amplified.

Under the leadership of our Pastor, Very Rev. Norbert Maduzia, Jr., E.V., the worship office plans and prepares all liturgical celebrations in the parish. The goal is that through the celebration of Eucharist we all move closer to God in our day to day living. We strive to follow the teachings of the Second Vatican Council's document, The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, where by we strive to lead all the faithful to full, conscious and active participation.

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Worship Staff

Karla Jackson

Pastoral Associate for Worship


Seth Dalton

Coordinator of Sacraments & Liturgy


Linda Krehmeier

Coordinator of the Sacrament of Matrimony


Worship Ministries

  • Worship Commission

    The Worship Commission guides all the liturgical celebrations in the parish and coordinates the efforts of all the liturgical ministries.

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  • Altar Servers

    These ministers serve God and the community through their presence and assistance at the altar. This ministry is open to all young people, both male and female, in the 5th grade and older. Mandatory attendance is required at each training session. This includes both new and existing servers.

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  • Art & Environment

    The environment of the community's worship assists the faithful to realize God's presence and to express its public worship. The ministry is dedicated to seasonal liturgical settings.

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  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

    By assisting in the distribution of the Eucharist during parish liturgies, these ministers help the community in celebrating its unity in Christ.

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  • Eucharistic Visitors

    The ministers bring the Eucharist to the sick and the homebound. They visit hospitals, Nursing homes, private homes and extended care facilities. Thus those who are unable to attend Mass either short term or long term may continue to share in the Eucharist. The ministers are also charged with carrying love, hope and prayers fo the community to our absent family members and ask for their prayers for us.

    If you are interested in having Holy Communion brought to someone who is ill, or is homebound, please call the Administrative Assistant to the Clergy at 281-290-4617.

    If you are interested in serving as a Eucharistic Visistor or for more information email:

    Or contact the Parish Office at 281.370.3401.

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  • Eucharistic Adoration

    Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is on the First Friday of the month and every Friday during Lent & Easter in the Chapel following the 9:00am Mass. Quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament continues until 6:15p.m. followed by closing prayer and song.

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  • Gift Presenters

    We the faithful are given many gifts by God, and as members of the body of Christ, we bring forth ourselves to present our gifts to the Altar. As such, we the members of the community have a beautiful opportunity to bring forward the gifts of bread and wine which is essential for Eucharist. At the appropriate time, our Celebrant will consecrate the gifts that were brought forth for the unbloody sacrifice of Christ, so that we too may have Christ within us.

    If you are interested in presenting the gifts during a regular weekend Mass, please e-mail  If you have a specific date in mind (i.e. birthday, anniversary, remembrance of a loved one), please be sure to note that in your email.

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  • Hospitality Ministers (Ushers)

    This ministry extends the love of Christ within our community by welcoming parishioners and assisting during the parish liturgies

    In addition to greeting people when they arrive, Hospitality Ministers take up the collection, bring forward the community at Communion, and pass out bulletins. Yearly training required.

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  • Instituted Acolytes

  • Jesus Encounter

    A prayer meeting Inspired by the Renewed Pentecost. 

    All meetings are 7-9 p.m. the 3rd Saturday of the month. 

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  • Lectors

    Through the ministry of the lector within the liturgy, God speaks to the people and Christ proclaims his Gospel. Persons interested in this ministry must be willing to demonstrate and develop their gifts in public proclamation of the Word.

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  • Music Ministry

    Through vocal and instrumental music, this ministry of adults and young people supports and strengthens the community's interior commitment of faith and worship. Choirs include children, teens and adults supported by accompanists, chime and bell ringers and instrumentalists who play ensemble and orchestra. The Cantor ministery prolaims the Word of God through their leadership of the Responsorial Psalm and hymn singing at the liturgical celebrations. The Sound Ministry operates the sound mixer board at Masses.

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  • Prayer Group

    Gathering together for prayer and fellowhip is essential to the Catholic way of life. These members of the community minister through their presence and support of parish activities and needs while growing stronger in their faith.

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  • Sacristans

    Preparation is key to a prayerful celebration. Sacristans minister through their care and concern for the altar, liturgical utensils and supplies, as well as liturgical vestments.

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  • Traveling Chalice or Crucifix for Vocations

    The St. Ignatius Vocation Committee would like to invite your family to pray together for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life through our Vocations Chalice or Crucifix Program.

    Every weekend, our parishioners will have the opportunity to accept the responsibility of praying for vocations at home with their family.  The presiding priest will call the family up to the sanctuary steps at the end of Mass to receive the Chalice or Crucifix, prayers, and family blessing. (There is an option for those that do not want to come forward. They are able to receive the Chalice or Crucifix from the front row pew.) The family takes the Chalice or Crucifix home and displays it in a prominent place of honor for all members to see during the week. 

    At a special time each day, perhaps after dinner or before bed, the family will come together to pray for an increase of vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life, and at the same time, explain and prompt young children and teenagers to consider how God is calling them into a deeper relationship with Him. They can also at this time send a note of support to a Seminarian, Priest or Sister.Thank you for your prayers and assistance in our efforts to promote vocations throughout our parish and the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.

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  • Vocations Committee

    Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, the Vocations committee seeks to inspire the parishioners of St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic community to foster vocations to the priesthood, the religious life and the permanent diaconate and to assist and nurture those who are seeking or have answered the call to ordained ministry and religious life through our prayers and support.

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  • Worship Coordinators

    At each liturgical celebration we have a trained Worship Coordinator present to help prepare the altar, insure that we have enough ministers, help the clergy prepare, and do all the behind the scenes stuff that help the Mass be a great experience for all present. We regularly train new coordinators through the Office of Worship. If you would like information about becoming a Worship Coordinator please contact .

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