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Children's Liturgy of the Word is offered for children ages 4 years through grade 4 at 10 a.m. Mass on the first, second, third, and fourth Sundays of the month. Children are invited to hear the Scriptures read and explained in age appropriate language and participate in activities and discussion. This experience is not formal religious education, nor is it intended to substitute for attendance at faith formation classes. Registration is not required. The presider will invite the children to process as a group to the Lady Chapel and they will return after the Prayers of the Faithful. Leaders will remain in the back until all children have returned to their parents. A parent may come with a young child for the first few times to help them get acquainted with the process.
Volunteers (teens and adults):
We are in need of adults and high school youth join teams of Worship Leaders to present the Children's Liturgy of the Word. They will be reading the Scriptures, leading the reflection discussion, offering Prayers of the Faithful, and distributing handouts to the children. We are asking our volunteers to commit to one Sunday per month. Training and curriculum materials are provided. Please call the Director of Children's Formation at 281-290-4618 for information.
Safe Environment The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston requires all volunteers 18 and older to attend a "Safe Haven" session online, which addresses child abuse. This training is mandated by the Archdiocese for adults who work with children. Registration is handled through CMG Connect.
If you need assistance with the online registration, please contact our office.
Lucille Pavlock
Pastoral Associate for Formation & Evangelization (Director of Elementary Formation)