St. Ignatius of Loyola

Catholic Church

Finance Council

According to the Archdiocesan Pastoral Manual ....

A. Each parish is to have a finance council which is regulated by universal law as well as by norms issued by the archdiocesan bishop; in this council the Christian faithful, selected according to the same norms, aid the pastor in the administration of parish goods. (C 537).
B. The finance council is a separate entity from the parish pastoral council. Parish finances are no longer addressed through a committee of the parish pastoral council, but it is important to consult the pastoral council to determine the consistency of the budget with parish mission and goals. The appointed finance council advises regarding funding and is to provide expertise. (BL 12/85; PFC p.1)
C. Membership: The parish finance council is to consist of not less than three parishioners who are Catholic. If possible, they should possess experience or expertise in business, finance or law and be committed to the work of the Church. Members are freely appointed by the pastor for a three-year, renewable term or until there is a change in the pastorate. Excluded from membership are persons who could have a conflict of interest from such affiliation, such as staff members. Also ineligible is any close relative of the pastor or staff member, such as brother, sister, nephew, niece or in-law. (PFC p. 1)
D. Meetings: The finance council shall have a minimum of four meetings per year (PFC p. 1).
E. Functions of the Finance Council:
1. assist the pastor in the administration of the parish in accordance with canons 1281-1288.
2. assist the pastor in the preparation of a yearly budget of income and expenditures and share the proposed budget with the parish pastoral council.
3. assist the pastor in the preparation of an annual financial report of income and expenditures to the parishioners.
4. review the parish income and expense report quarterly.
5. assist parish boards and organizations in preparing and submitting budgets.
6. study parish revenues and make recommendations for increasing revenue to meet both parish and archdiocesan goals and priorities.
7. familiarize themselves with all archdiocesan fiscal policies and assist the pastor in meeting these obligations.
8. encourage support of parish and archdiocesan stewardship programs. (PFC p. 2)

Contact Us

Finance Council


Bruce Bentley, Co-Chair

Todd Miller, Co-Chair
Joan Alexander
Robert Bruno
William Ebanks
Thomas Elsom
Andres Macias
John O’Brien
Daniel Morales

Joe Rothbauer

Paul Cerone

  • Fundraising Request

    It is the role of the Finance council to approve and coordinate all fund raising efforts on the parish grounds, and to approve all fund raising efforts of parish organizations off campus. To the right are links to the fund raising policy and the fund raising request form. Please email the finance council is you have any further questions.

    Once a fund raising request is approve it is the responsibility of the sponsoring group to reserve space, write and request bulletin and pulpit announcements, and clean up after the event.

    Email us
  • Parish Fundraising/ Soliciations

    The St. Ignatius Loyola Parish Finance Council has been charged with recommending a fundraising policy and procedure for approving all parish fundraising events. Prior to scheduling and publicizing a fundraising event, approval for the event must be obtained from the Finance Council.

    Please refer to the following documents for specific direction on the policy for these fundraising events as well as the form to be used in soliciting a fundraising event request.

    If you are requesting a table in the narthex of the church to distribute information or solicit members for your organization/ministry, then please refer to the same documents for fundraising for a list of guidelines. Please complete the form to set a date for your request and for final approval. The Parish Administrator is responsible for the final approval on all non-fundraising solicitations.

    Completed forms should be submitted to the Parish Director of Operations in the Parish Office, faxed to 281-290-4603 or emailed to

    Click here to submit form online
  • Narthex Table Request

    The following policy applies to scheduling a Narthex Table to raise awareness of a ministry, disseminate information about an upcoming event or program, or solicit membership. This policy applies to INFORMATION TABLES only. (All requests for shceduling and publicizing Fundraising Events must be submitted to the parish Finance Council for approval.).

    These policies have been established:

    To assist the ministry in providing information about events and soliciting membership as successfully as possible

    To encourage long term planning by all parish organizations

    To promote an organized, less intimidating environment for our parishioners

    To coordinate events with the Liturgical Calendar and specific Liturgies

    To relieve parishioner congestion before and after masses.



    An approved organization or ministry is defined as any organization or ministry that is sanctioned by the St. Ignatius of Loyola parish and operates in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Parish. Such organizations include St. Ignatius Parish ministries, ministries from other parishes, and other Catholic or charitable organizations.

    There are related organizations within the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston which may also conduct periodic events at St. Ignatius of Loyola such as local Catholic schools and universities and organizations supported by the Archdiocese and not located within the Parish.



    Repetitive tables may be requested at the same time.

    No table may be scheduled for more than two consecutive weeks.

    All tables must be scheduled with the Liturgy Director.



    Ministries are furnished a copy of these guidelines, and agree to abide by these policies.

    Requests for Information Tables are submitted to the Liturgy Department no less than 2 weeks prior to the requested date, and are reviewed on a “first come—first serve” basis.

    Scheduling of an Information Table is subject to availability. No more than 2 Information Tables are schedule for a single weekend. Some weekends are blocked from scheduling tables of any kind.

    No soliciting or distribution of information will occur during Mass

    Only 1 easel with information may be used per event. It must be removed immediately upon conclusion of the activity. Signs may not be attached to the building or posts in any way.

    One table, with no more than 2 adults, or 1 adult chaperone and 2 youths, will be permitted at each table. Chairs, and easel will be provided upon request.

    Setup is done by church staff members only. No movement or relocation of tables is permitted

    All tables must be staffed after all Masses throughout the entire weekend

    Ministers who staff the table are not to interfere with the flow of traffic to and from the church and must remain behind the table.

    No loud “hawking”, sound systems, music, videos, etc. are permitted.

    No other groups or organizations will be allowed to set up except for those pre-approved by the Liturgy Department.

    Failure to follow these guidelines may result in immediate termination of the table and possible future forfeiture.


    The St. Ignatius Loyola Parish Staff will be responsible for communicating this policy and the proper reservation procedures to all ministries that fall under their responsibility. These guidelines are explained verbally as well as with a follow-up email to the person in charge of the ministry requesting the Information Table.

    Email us
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