St. Ignatius of Loyola

Catholic Church

Baptism of Infants and Children Under Age 7

Welcoming your Child into the Family of God

You have asked that your child become a member of the family of God through Baptism in the Catholic Church.

We rejoice with you as you prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism for your child.

We promise to support you and the godparents you choose as you fulfill your obligation to bring up your child within this community of faith, living as Christ has taught us through word and example – loving God and neighbor.

This information outlines the requirements to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism at St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Church.

Please note that we will have several precautions in place to assure the safety of your child, family, and guests. We will baptize through immersion in the upper bowl of the baptismal font

Requirements for Infant Baptism:

1. Your child must be six years old or younger on the Baptism date. 

  • If your child is 7 or older, please contact our Formation office for details on preparation for Baptism.

2. The following must be completed and turned in prior to scheduling a date (see "Documents" section  in the right-hand column)

  • Baptism Information Form
  • Godparent letter and affidavit 
  • Original copy of the child’s birth certificate. This will go on record for your child's Baptism folder and mistakes are very difficult to correct once the sacrament has been recorded.
  • Proof of completion of baptismal classes by both parents (see "Infant Baptism Preparation Classes" below)

3. The preparation classes are required for all parents. (There is no fee for the classes.)

  • Classes are held every other month, on Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. (See "Infant Baptism Preparation Classes" section in the right-hand column for upcoming dates and registration link)
  • Classes for Godparents are strongly encouraged but not required. 
  • The baptism classes are valid for 3 years from the time they were taken. 

4. Additional requirements:

  • If you are a registered member of another Catholic parish, you must also provide a letter of permission from the pastor of your parish in order to have the Baptism at St. Ignatius Loyola.
  • If you are not registered in any parish and you do not live within the boundaries of St. Ignatius of Loyola, you must provide a letter of permission from the pastor of the parish boundaries in which you reside.

To avoid the possibility of forms getting lost or separated,
please turn in all required forms together at the same time.

Scheduling a baptism date

 Note: We cannot schedule your child's baptism until we receive all the necessary documents. 

You can download documents from the "Documents" section above.

***  Forms may be dropped off at the Main Office or emailed to  ***

Once you have submitted all necessary paperwork, you will receive an email with available dates for the baptism.

Infant Baptism Preparation Classes

Both parents must attend the session.

Godparents are encouraged (but not required) to attend as well.

At this time, we are not able to offer child care during sessions. Infants are welcome to attend with their parents.

Baptism Preparation Sessions (English)


9:00 AM– 12:00 noon 

XAVIER, Room 12

March 1

May 3

  July 12

September 13

November 15

Click here to register for English Prep Classes

Baptism Preparation Sessions (Spanish) 2025 

9:00 AM – 12:00 mediodía
FABER, Cuarto 5


3 de mayo
12 de julio
13 de septiembre
15 de noviembre

Click here to register for Spanish Prep Classes
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