St. Ignatius of Loyola

Catholic Church

Stewardship... A Way of Life

Stewardship Mission Statement

Our Parish Stewards are Christ-Centered and guided by the Spirituality of
St. Ignatius of Loyola.

  • Empowered by our Baptism and Nurtured in the Eucharist
  • Inspired by the grace of the Holy Spirit 
  • Committed to fulfilling Christ's mission on earth through the prayerful and joyful celebration of our faith-filled Liturgies and our call to Evangelization
  • Enriched in faith through Prayer, Worship, and continued Formation
  • Dedicated responsible Stewards of God’s entrusted Gifts.
  • Engaged and Welcoming focused on Hospitality and unconditional passionate service for others


Stewardship Committee

Ron Svoboda

Parish Director of Operations



The Stewardship Committee seeks to engage all parishioners to realize the GIFTS God has entrusted to them and to help our parish family discern these GIFTS. We believe they are best found through TIME spent with God; INVOLVEMENT and SUPPORT in the church and community. These GIFTS can only be realized by living a life of GENEROSITY, FIDELITY, and unwavering TRUST in the beliefs and teachings of Christ every day of our lives.


Our Stewardship committee’s focus is to foster a welcoming, celebrating and servicing parish community that strives to live a Stewardship, Way of Life, whereby fulfilling our mission to be “A People for Others.” 

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, through the use of social media, formation, educational resources, parish retreats, and an annual stewardship weekend, our parishioners can discern and reflect their gifts of time, talent and treasure. 

Stewardship is an important concept for our growth as Catholics. Returning to God with an increase is the practice of the Stewardship of Treasure; (GIVE) Regular giving is returning to God a portion of all that God has given us. Capital giving arises in the life of our parish community when we are called to give beyond our regular practice. Promoting spirituality through the Stewardship of Time; (PRAY) is time building our relationship with God, in prayer and with reverence this time will take us to a higher level of spirituality and grace. Sharing unique talents and skills is the Stewardship of Talent, (SERVE) gifts we gratefully share in our ministries as we serve our parish and community.

Our parish is so very blessed with engaged parishioners who have become stewards in many of the 80+ ministries with the leadership of our Pastor, Fr. Norbert Maduzia, the Pastoral and Finance Council, lead and represented by one of our 5 commissions. 

2024 Stewardship Committee Members

Kathy Parks, Co-Chair
Virginia Thornton, Co-Chair
Rita Kramer
Barb Michael
Greg Michael
Gayle Pechacek
Alan Rein
Diana Tavares
Loretta Tenowich

Kelley Doyle

Maria Garcia

Karen Stepchinsky
Cathy Nolte, Recorder
Ron Svoboda, Staff Liaison

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