St. Ignatius of Loyola

Catholic Church

Submission Form for bulletin/Social Media/Flocknote

To ensure that your information is placed in the appropriate platform in a timely manner, please:

  • Submit your article with the subject line that reads the title of event & month/day/year, you wish your article to appear in date.
  • Please note Dates, you would like for your announcement to run.
  • Submit the article at least 11 days prior to the date you want it to appear.
  • Please include your contact information on each announcement. (*All St. Ignatius ministries are required to use ministry email as contact.) Please do not instruct people to call the parish office for more information about your event.
  • Make sure your event is schedule with administration team prior to sending announcement, if on campus.
  • Graphics may be black and white or color. No grayscale accepted. (Feel free to add up to 3 different versions of your graphic. New designs can help catch another persons eye the following week.)
  • Article wording should be sent as a Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher file, if attaching a file.
  • The title of the article should be in Bold and pertain to the article subject.
  • Article can run up to three weeks prior to an event but you will get more results if the format of the article is changed weekly.
  • SILCC events are given priority. We reserve the right to create new graphics, shorten the article or rearrange the wording as needed to conform to space limitation.
  • If you have any questions or problems submitting your bulletin request, please contact For a complete copy of the Bulletin Article Guidelines, see guidelines under documents on publicity page.

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