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“For it is in giving that we receive.” - Francis of Assisi.
Visiting “La Escuelita” in Guatemala on behalf of St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Church was a profound and spiritual conversion. As the fourteen missionaries crossed the threshold of “La Escuelita” each morning, the presence of God’s peace, love, and joy was sincerely tangible; God’s derivative love was reflected in the strength of every hug received by every student. As we attempted to enter the classroom each morning, we would find ourselves in a dogpile; at times completely invisible, as the children would sprint to receive us. The children made us feel like rock stars just before the opening song of a sold out venue – and it was at that moment - the missionaries realized, “For it is in giving that we receive.”
Upon executing the lesson plan for the day, we had the opportunity to participate with the children during recess. A few missionaries and I would play soccer with the first and second graders. During the middle of a tie game (3-3), other students wanted to jump in and play. I remember the etiquette the children displayed as they approached asking, “Profe, profe, puedo jugar?” To my response, “Claro!” Followed by, “Para que lado juego?”
Instead of arbitrarily picking a team and disrupting the game – the children were taught to ask the physical education teacher, “Teacher, teacher, can I play?” Subsequently, “On what team am I on?” At that moment, I was cognizant to the fact that St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Church was on to something much greater than I had originally perceived when signing up for the trip. In the words of the previous bishop who oversaw the school: “St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Church is not changing the lives of the children who attend this school, but changing the course of an entire country.” Even in our brief stay, we were able to corroborate and experience exactly what the previous bishop proclaimed.
“Nobody is so poor he has nothing to give, and nobody is so rich he has nothing to receive.” – Pope John Paul II
After the culmination of the classroom visits, we proceeded to visit family members of the students who were ailing. The missionaries were divided into three groups with Father Norbert leading a group and performing the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. The atmosphere inside the walls was Spirit-Filled and formidable: prayer was translated from English to Spanish, from Spanish to Quiche (Mayan language of Guatemala) in a unifying effort to pray for the sick and spread the word of God; there was an abundance of diversity, but we all shared a common denominator in our faith for Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Although home visits took place in humble settings, the inhabitants were not so poor they had nothing to give. The missionaries were offered hot beverages, warm meals, and most importantly, prayer for our safe travel home and our family members. Walking home from the final home visit I realized all prior expectations had been reversed: I was the one being served, loved, taught, and healed. There was reciprocity in all the acts of service that were performed, and even after our departure, the people of Guatemala’s love and prayer transcends the distance that separates us.
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa
As I look back at the indelible memories, the acute nostalgia of no longer being in the children’s presence is mitigated by the thought that a stone has been casted, and St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Church continues to create the ripples in the lives of those children, whom in turn, will cast stones of their own, in God’s perfect timing.
However, do not take my word. Give your hands and feet to the Lord while embarking on such an admirable journey and subsequently put down your own words for future generations to read. May God continue to bless “La Escuelita” and all the works of St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Church.
Tomas Finol – Class of 2018